The E-Book Re-Write

If you've ever read an e-book before, than I'm more than sure that you know that there are a lot of e-books that are simply restating the words of other books. I've done it before with my book, MyBlogLog Marketing, but my friend Bill Masson helped me see the error of my ways.

The point is that we live in an age where there are more than millions of individual businesses out there, trying to build up said business. And in a world with more than millions of bloggers, the internet helps make it happen. The world has more entrepreneurs now than there ever was before, and a lot of them are very successful.

But since more businesses are busting through the internet, e-books have begun re-writing information that we already know about (There are more than millions of books for "making money online!"). Where's the new information? Where's the remarkable?

This is what the entrepreneurs of today are struggling with. It's not that their e-books are bad, most of them are really well written. What's wrong is that entrepreneurs aren't creating new products that will get them more recognition. Instead, these business people try to make books in a niche that's already over-populated and think that they're going to make it if they get enough people to their blog or website to purchase their book. They begin doing google adwords, and buying traffic and link exchanging. This doesn't work. But what does work is a remarkable e-book on an entirely new niche, or that redefine's the entire market. Now that's an e-book that I'd want to buy.

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