10 Ways To Get People To Sneeze

In Seth Godin's book, Purple Cow, Godin refers to people who spread the news about your products sneezers. These are the people that you want to get the attention of. They are the frequent Digg users who digg things frequently, they're the StumbleUpon users that stumble and vote on things on a regular basis, they're the bloggers that mention other blogs in their market, they're people who get the word out about your blog. They're evangelists. They're viral marketers. They should be the people that you're trying to impress.

So instead of trying to reach the masses that aren't listening, try to reach the sneezers of your market in order for them to tell the masses about you. Think of it like this. Let's say that you have such an amazing product, Yaro Starak mentions the product on his blog. His blog has more than 32,000 subscribers, which means that more than 32,000 people can potentially hear about your product. And since these subscribers trust in Yaro's advice they're more than likely to check out your product. But it doesn't end there. There could be other bloggers that will do the same thing. It's an epidemic that you want to happen!

I'm sneezing as I write this post, and now you're reading it. I'm spreading the word about Seth Godin and his book Purple Cow, and you just heard about it. I almost always tell people about Godin's products and so I sneeze about him regularly. That's the power of having your business become viral. In order to become viral and attract more sneezers to your blog, here's some tips on how to become noticed online, and reach the masses.

1. Make your product amazing, wonderful, different, and remarkable.

2. Don't try to outdo your competition. Instead, create a product that your competition would have never thought of before.

3. Create your own niche in your market.

4. Make a product for a niche that doesn't exist.

5. Keep making products that are new, different, and remarkable.

6. Be an extremist.

7. Treat the customers that buy your products differently. Make them feel special.

8. Do something no one else is doing

9. Make your products more amazing, and jack up the prices.

10. Make your products only available to specific people. Be exclusive.

In a world where the general public isn't paying attention to your million dollar ads, and 30 second commercials, marketers need to create products that make a buzz in the community, and get people to talk about their business. Marketers need to attract more sneezers to their community.

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Bill Masson said...

Couldn’t agree more Mathew i regularly post comments on interests that i think are worthy & dig stumble through the web, it’s just a shame that other surfer’s don’t reciprocate the gesture.
I do reply as much as i can to fellow MyBlogLog users when they send a group message, i think you have to make the effort.
So i would say i am a sneezer