I'm sorry, I might have been a little too eager about my blog that I posted a post that didn't help people know what MyBlogLog Marketing is, and why it's vital to their success on MyBlogLog, and why they need to be successful on the website.
I apologize. So to start this blog off, on the right foot, here's an explanation of MyBlogLog Marketing.
What Is MyBlogLog?
I'm sure, that if you're reading this, you already know what MyBlogLog is. I marketed this blog heavily depending on www.MyBlogLog.com, and that is exactly what the website does.
It brings people together. It makes people connect with each other when they've never even met before. MyBlogLog is not a new marketing channel that most people think of it as. Far from it. MyBlogLog is instead, a website where fellow bloggers and website owners can go to in order to connect, and network with each other, and create a bigger, better community. To connect, is what MyBlogLog is about.
It's not a marketing channel. It's not a tool to get more people to look at your blog, it's a way to get more people to connect with you.
How Are MyBlogLog Users Marketing Incorrectly?
They aren't using MyBlogLog effectively. They are trying to use a website made to make people connect, and are trying to turn it into some kind of external marketing a tool.
For those of you who don't know, external marketing is the act of seeking an outsource in order to market your business. Examples would be, billboards, commercials, PPC ads, and spam messages.
For some strange reason, marketers are turning every internet connecting tool into a way to externally market their business, which is why they are failing. MyBlogLog is no different.
The users on the website are trying to externally market their blog by adding people, joining communities, and spam messaging their contacts, telling them to go to their website and subscribe. Telling them why they should go to their website. This doesn't work. To put it simply, MyBlogLog is filled to the brim with people not connecting, trying to market in a connecting atmosphere.
Here's a diagram that better explains this.
The circle is their blog, and the arrows represent the users on MyBlogLog's marketing. They are trying to use MyBlogLog as an external marketing tool to reach people. The arrows go outwards because these users are trying to reach people on MyBlogLog and hoping that the arrows will magically point back to them. Resulting in a visit.
Does this rarely happen. Instead, the arrows keep going outwards, and they resort to other means of marketing, such as writing articles, making videos, and countless other ways, but doing generally the same way of marketing. They try to get more people to view what they're doing. Why doesn't it work? They've got their priorities mixed up.
This is what the users think they should do:
1. Make a blogThis doesn't work. This is the list that they should be using:
2. Market the blog
1. Make a blog that's new, different, amazing, and makes people want to come to it.That's the new list. That's how users should be marketing on MyBlogLog. Make a blog that's so amazing, that when people see it, they'll tell their friends about. In other words, the arrow points inwards once they start constructing their blog.
2. Get people to talk about it.
What Is MyBlogLog Marketing?
Just to tell you right from the start, MyBlogLog Marketing is not a strategy to use MyBlogLog as an external marketing channel. It's an idea. An idea where if you create something truly amazing, remarkable, and different, people will come to you. More importantly, people on MyBlogLog will come to you.
MyBlogLog is important to the success of your blog. Articles, link exchanges, traffic exchanges, ads, and videos all work effectively, but they don't attract as much shouters as MyBlogLog does.
Shouters are important. They are the people who are going to tell people about you, and market your blog. They are the ones who are going to Digg you, submit your to StumbleUpon, or make a post about you in their blog. These are the people that users should be marketing, and aiming for. Not for the masses, it's too hard, and it's too cluttered.
Instead, you need to work your way into the masses by working your way from the left, to the right of Moore's Diffusion of Innovation Curve. You need people who are willing to tell other people about your blog.
MyBlogLog Marketing is the act of getting a hold of these shouters. The best marketers in the world. Why? Because MyBlogLog is full of them. MyBlogLog is the greatest tool ever created for a blogger, but people still haven't harnessed the full power of MyBlogLog just yet.
You visited my blog and I wanted to find out who you where so I tracked you back through MyBlogLog. This is an awesome concept which will benefit a lot of people once they get hold of it. I like your stuff.
Thanks for the comment!
Yeah, I checked out your blog earlier today about microblogging, and I saw that you were just introduced to Twitter. How has that been working out for you so far?
I still haven't quite mastered the arts of twitter yet, but I'm trying my best to figure it out.
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