MyBlogLog Users Got It Wrong

And I'm going to use this blog to show it. MyBlogLog users don't know what they're doing, and as a result, they're losing more than millions of traffic on a daily basis. These bloggers are stuck in the External Marketing age, this no longer works.

Blogs Don't Need SEO

MyBlogLog users want high search engine rankings.

Bloggers think that they need high search engine rankings in order to "make it big." They complain, and come up with strategies on ways to get a higher page ranking. Many would even kill just to get it. It doesn't work like that anymore. Bloggers need to prioritize.

Blog's don't need SEO. They need shouters (or what Seth Godin calls, sneezers). High search engine rankings is a result of critical mass. You can't jump from creation to critical mass. The marketing world doesn't work like that. Blogs make it no different.

This is Moore's Diffusion of Innovation Curve converted into blogging words.

Bloggers want high search engine rankings because they want the most amount of people to hear about, and go to their blog. They want to do Mass Marketing. Bloggers want to attract the most amount of people in order to get the traffic they think is necessary.

They're trying to reach a market that isn't listening. They're trying to market in a place where people don't want to hear about what they have to say. If they want to hear about it, they'll find it, they don't need someone to tell them what to hear about.

Instead, bloggers need to focus on the shouters (sneezers) of their market. They need to focus on the visitors who are willing to tell their friends about your blog. The people who are going to see their blog, and then show it to the masses. That's the only way the Mass Market will hear about you. From their friends, and people they want to listen to.

High search engine rankings is not a way to market. It's a result. It's a result of hitting critical mass. Where your blog has hit the highest part of it's stage, and has nowhere else to go but down. These bloggers then resort to adsense to try to pick up their income.

This no longer works. This is called Old Marketing. External marketing that people don't want to listen to.

MyBlogLog Users Don't Know It

That's why they're failing. They're logged on to a website that's filled with more than millions of shouters who want to talk, but the bloggers aren't doing their jobs. MyBlogLog communities can spread like wildfire. They can get your blog from 1 page view per day, to 5,000.

But you can't tell people to go to your blog. They have to come to you. This is MyBlogLog marketing.

Blogged with the Flock Browser


Bill Masson said...

Mmmm' yes Matthew you have the general idea about MyBlogLog,I read your PDF and yes i agree with you on many points. Its down to the bloggers to communicate and build trust.MyBlogLog is certainly a powerful medium for drawing traffic but as i am sure you are aware there are many ways to skin a cat. Congrats on your EBook very informative.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the comment, do you think you could elaborate on what you said toward the end? Is there anything that you think that I should change about my e-book?

Bill Masson said...

If you can take some constructive criticism I found that you related back to Seth Godin and his creation to many times, it’s you who needs to be the one who is telling the story catching the scoop as they say. Take all the glory for yourself; yes sure you can draw on case studies which add more credence and believability. Feedback is a great tool to have, we both know that, in essence you have the makings of a great marketer, just keep feeling the pulse.

Matthew Castro said...

Thanks for the criticism, I'm going to start re-writing it right now to come up with a better version.

Thanks a lot Bill!

: )